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Information bwCloud: shortage of ressources and significant system upgrade from the end of February

This information concerns all current bwCloud users and persons/institutes that are considering using the services in the near future. At the moment there is a shortage of ressources in the state project, which should however be solved with the gradual implementation of the new hardware and the system upgrade.

At the moment, there is a shortage of ressource within the state service bwCloud, which had already been announced elsewhere: Due to a continued increse in users, the installed ressources at all bwCloud operating sites are currently running out. In Freiburg there is not so much a shortage in the usually affected main storage, but in the current block there are only very few available IPv4 addresses. As a consequence, soon no new instances will be able to be started. Thus, all users are kindly asked to delete systems and instances (e.g. test systems) that are not being used anymore and to make the ressources available again.

Simultaneously, plans are being made for the preperation of the implementation of the new hardware, which will lead to a significant increase in computing capacity and storage (27 efficient AMD knots each) and bigger Mass CEPH storage at every operating site. With that,the provision model will be prepared for a flexible system with network boot through a boot selection server in Freiburg. Also, a significantly higher IPv4 address block has been reserved in coordination with the network group. With the change, an according move to that area will follow. With the implementation of the new hardware on the basis of a more up to date OpenStack, some cooperation with the own machines will be necessary during the move. This should be planned for the second half of march.