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UniCards for guests / for employees of the University Hospital / facility cards

Students, employees of the university as well as guests (upon application) receive a UniCard, which is used, among other things, for granting access to certain buildings.


Please note:

The Computer Center only issues cards for guests and for employees who are managed by the University Hospital's personnel administration system.


The following applies to students and employees:


UniCard guest cards

UniCard guest cards are issued primarily in order to grant access to electronically secured buildings and certain rooms within university facilities. UniCard guest cards can only be applied for by university institutions. 

The hosting institution will be charged with an administrative fee of 20 €.

If you or your guests do not require the access function, please choose the Mensacard for use of the Mensa and the UB guest card for external users for borrowing from the university library.

Guest cards issued before 2022-07-13 cannot be renewed after expiry but need to be exchanged (free of charge). Plesase send an E-Mail to


Important! Changed procedure regarding card requests for personalised guest cards:

Requests for guest cards will have to be made by the personnel administrations of the faculties and institutions. The paper application is no longer required.

For detailed instructions on the process, click here: (accessible after login with UniAccount).


Using the UniCard in the University Library

Using your UniCard guest card in the University Library is possible only in combination with a valid UniAccount. In order to get one, please see the instructions at and fill in the form Erstantrag (externe MitarbeiterInnen/Gäste). Please also note the alternative borrowing options for external users offered by the University Library ("External Users"). 


Contact for further questions:


UniCards for employees managed in the University Hospital's personnel management system

Employees who are administered in the personnel administration system of the University Hospital, but who are a member of the University of Freiburg, will receive an employee UniCard with immediate effect. The card will be issued at the computer centre until further notice. For the first issue of a card, simply send an informal e-mail request to the contact address below.

Expired cards issued to this group of employees before 13/7/2022 cannot be renewed but must be replaced with new cards, which can be requested by sending an informal e-mail to the contact address below.

When requesting a follow-up card, please state the number printed on the old card. This number will be used to transfer existing access authorisations from the old card to the new one.




Einrichtungskarten are non-personalised guest cards that the hosting institution will be charged for.

Information on the ordering process and a distinction from personalized guest cards can be found here: (German only, accessible after logging in with UniAccount).


Note on the refund of remaining credit when returning your old card

Due to the ongoing shortage of staff resources, we ask you (in your own interest) to take care of the refund of the remaining credit on your old card yourself in advance. In order to do so, go to the ServicePoint in the Mensa and ask for the amount remaining on your card to be paid out.

If you return a card with remaining credit, you will receive a PDF after your case has been processed. Take the printed PDF to the service point in the Mensa in order to have the money refunded. However, processing can take up to several weeks.