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DAAD summer school for "Research Data Management in Data Intensive Computing"

The chair for communication systems as well as the eScience Group of the University IT Services are, together with colleagues from Ulm, organizing a three week DAAD Summer School on the subject of Research Data Management at the UFPR in Curitiba.
DAAD summer school for "Research Data Management in Data Intensive Computing"

A part of the team shortly after the practice-oriented morning course on buildings blocks of RDM at the institute for computer science (C3SL) at UFPR

From methods in computer science and questions in particle physics coming together, through analyses of large texts or gene sequences, over the exploration of natural ressources in geology or larger sites in archeology: there are a large number of new disciplines rising at the outer boundaries of traditional fields. With this rapid development, they share the same challenges as newer academic disciplines. The various specializations in computer science and the individual technical disciplines are colliding. Large amounts of data are not only ideal for further processing and transportation, but also for the reproducibility of results and also as input for new research questions. Interpretation and usablity require appropriate description, referencing, standardized formats and an as standardized distinction with meta data as possible. They oftentimes very large data volumes require a spatial proximity or a very well thought out operation between storage and processing systems.

This is where the Research Data Management comes into play, which has gainged much importance in recent years. The effective subsequent use of research has become an increasingly more important topic for research funders. Originally motivated by the verification of research results, now new research and operation models have come up, under the keywords "Open Data" and "Open Science". This topic is central for education and research, which allows new areas of cooperation, research and education. The objectives of the Summer School named "Research Data Management in Data Intensive Computing" are twofold: On the one hand, the exchange between the applying German universities and the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba and the Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica (Petropolis), which has been going on for years, will be deepend, while on the other hand, the foundation for the mobility of the students will be set. Participating are members of the chair at the IT Services, the RDMG, the eScience Group of the IT Services and colleagues from Ulm University.