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SPSS version 26 now available

SPSS Version 26 is now available in the software shop. Those who have arleady acquired SPSS and would like to use the new V26 are advised to contact ...

Since in the software shop it is not possible to provide previous "orderers" with the new license key, you can contact the licensing team directly and ask for a license key there. For this, please contact and provide your old license key, so that a new key can be assigned to you. Please also provide your Uni account, so that we can grant you access to the installation media.

You can copy the following text, fill it with your information, delete the [...] parts and then send it to us:

"Guten Tag, 

ich habe SPSS dieses Jahr über den Asknet-Shop erworben und hätte Interesse an SPSS V26.

Meine bisherigen Lizenzschlüssel lauten: ??????? [old license key]

Mein Uniaccount lautet: ???????? [Uni account]


Mit freundlichen Grüßen 



If you order SPSS now, you do not have have to contact us, as you will automatically receive a license key for V26.